Thursday, 5 February 2015

The smell of success!

The future of green motoring

I can't wait for my next trip to the UK to try out this masterpiece. A bus fueled using biogas from sewage and food waste. With the same composition of natural gas, the waste products are put to excellent use and reduce the demand for dwindling fossil fuel supplies.

The production of biogas has been fairly successful, with excess supplies being added to the national grid. The process of anaerobic digestion of bacteria produces the gas which is then used in the same way as natural gas.

The Bio-bus operates between Bristol airport and Bath, capable of a 184 mile trip before refueling. It was manufactured by GENeco, a subsidiary of  Wessex water and sewage treatment company who invests and researches green initiatives. It is affectionately known as the 'poo bus' despite the fact that no sewage directly reaches the bus.

Whilst there are some disadvantages to using and manufacturing biogas such as the presence of impurities and difficulties of large scale production, it is a step in the right direction for renewable alternatives.

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