Thursday, 11 December 2014

Cities of the future??

After looking at our high ecological footprints last week, grade 9 and I explored ways in which we and science could reduce human impact on the world. After exploring the London community of Bedzed and the UAE green city of Masdar, I came across an eco city on a whole new level known as the Lily pad.  With Global warming melting ice caps and causing sea levels to rise, low lying areas are likely to be displaced very soon. Which is why architect Vincent Callebaut came up with the idea of the Lily pad. A self sufficient floating city that could accomodate up to 50,000 people.

Using biomimicary, the cities are designed to look like water lillies and are intended to be zero carbon emission floating communities. Through various renewable power options, the city could not only produce its own energy but also absorb carbon dioxide through its titanium dioxide skin.

Don't pack your bags just yet though, this project is just a concept and Callebaut hopes to make it a reality by 2100. One thing is sure, this is an expensive venture and one wonders whether a displaced climate refugee will have the cash to live on this floating metropolis.

Whilst it's only an idea right now, I would definitely be keen on inhabiting one of these lovely islands. Would you?

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