Monday, 12 January 2015

It's not just dirt

After looking at soil with grade 9 and convincing them that it's not just dirt and something that they got into trouble for coming home covered in, I'm not sure how I missed the fact that 2015 is the international year of soils.

The United nations food and agriculture organisation are trying promote awareness of a fact that many people have been saying for years. Take care of the soil and it will take care of you.

Healthy soils are good at storing water and filtering water, recycling essential nutrients, regulating atmospheric composition as well as being a habit for many organism. Pollutants, over farming and deforestation have all contributed to a decline in soil quality which has the potential to have an extreme impact on ecosystems across the globe.

I am extremely excited about a year dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of soil and to celebrate the resource that not only provides our food but so much more.

To kick off the year of soils, here are some interesting facts that you may not have been aware of.

  • There are more microorganisms in a handful of soil than there are people on earth.
  • It takes over 500 years to produce just an inch of top soil, the most productive layer.
  • It greatly reduces flood risks by storing up to 9200 tonnes of water per acre.
  • 10% of the world's carbon dioxide emissions are stored in soil.

Oceans in danger

With the hydrosphere being a big part of our environmental studies, it is staggering to know that there are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean. Of that, 269,000 tonnes float on the surface. We have known about ocean plastic debris for many years as well as it's deadly consequences for  marine animals, birds and fish.

In August 2014, a whale died in Chesapeake bay despite best efforts to save her. A necropsy revealed the whale had swallowed a shard of rigid black plastic that had lacerated her stomach and prevented her from feeding. This was later identified as a broken piece of DVD case which was probably swallowed as she was feeding on the water's surface. This slow death was completely preventable.

Sperm whales are especially susceptible to plastic ingestion as they confuse the debris for squid, their main prey. A senior scientist in California noted that every sperm whale necropsied had lots of plastic in its stomach. This can prevent the whales from feeding causing them to starve to death.

Across many beaches over the world the amount of plastic debris washed onto shores is staggering. This is impacting the ocean ecosystems enormously yet it is completely needlessly. The tragic end to the life of this endangered Sei whale should be a lesson to us all. Deaths due to pollution are completely preventable. Cut back on plastic waste.  Recycle what you do use as possible and ensure that this waste is carefully disposed of to prevent the needless deaths of our precious wildlife.

New Years Eco resolutions

As we enter 2015, many minds will be filled with promises for the coming year. 'go to the gym', 'eat healthier', 'spend less time on the Internet'. The changes we promise to make seem big to us but we are half way through January and how many resolutions have you broken already? What about considering a resolution that benefits not just you but the wider environment? Here are some green resolutions that are so easy to keep. Not only will they decrease waste but improve the quality of the earth. Take the plunge for 2015!

1. Remember your reusable bags
Here in Oman, the amount of plastic bags used is phenomenal. Supermarket packers often put single items into bags, sending shoppers home with a staggering amount of plastic after a weekly shop. More than 1 million bags end up in the trash every minute. Taking reusable bags is one of the easiest and most effective ways of reducing your carbon footprints. Most supermarkets sell reusable bags so what are you waiting for?

2. Limit bottled water
Depending on the quality of your local supply, switching to tap water, an at home filtering system or even large dispenser bottles are far better than using lots of small bottles. 1.5 million barrels of oil are used to make plastic water bottles each year. Opt for a refillable alternative such as glass, aluminium or recycled plastic and nature will thank you!

3. Cut down on paper towels
3000 tonnes of paper towels end up in landfill each year so opt for cotton cloths that can be washed instead.

4. Try being a weekend vegetarian
Meat free meals a couple of days a week can reduce your carbon footprint by a huge amount. Not only will it reduce your environmental impact but will help you in your way to a healthy 5 a day.

5. Switch off those devices!
How many of us have left our chargers plugged in and switched on? It takes no time at all to switch if that plug and eliminate phantom power. Unplug fully charged devices and turn off appliances rather than putting them in standby mode. All of which will make a huge difference.

All of these make a big environmental difference without needing a drastic change. So take the plunge for a greener 2015 !